Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thanksgiving & Skiing at Snowbird 2009

Thanksgiving dinner was great, Georgia did a wonderful job on the turkey and made dinner very special. Madi & Zane chipped in and made some yummy yams and rolls. McKell made some chocolate turkey's for decorations and Morgan was great for all the general labor needs, setting up tables and chairs and stuff.

We spent Thanksgiving week up at Snowbird. Although the snow was a bit thin, due to global warming, there was still plenty to get out enjoy the nice weather and have some fun.
I think our favorite part this year was watching Mitt Skiing. We had a hard time getting him to stop, he just kept going and going....
Marc had fun as well but was only good for 1/2 day as he just wanted to spend every second at the pool...
Madi and Morgan taking as break and enjoying the sun..
With Mitt and Marc both skiing this year Georgia even had time to hit the slopes with us...

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