Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving & Skiing at Snowbird 2011

McKell and Sammy, Snowboarding professionals. I didn't take any pictures of our great Thanksgiving dinner. We had the Rose family with us and my mom, brother Kory and Drien and her new baby Kaz. It was a full house but really great!!!We got to ski a couple days and had great weather and even better company. The Rose family ended up spending 4 days with us. Leslie, Tanner, Spencer, Aaron, Isaac & Sammy all went skiing and snowboarding with us. It was really great having all of them with us. Georgia and I tried to ski on the big hill and my bad hip sent me back to Chickadee with the kids and the beginning snowboarders. Depressing that I can't ski but still lot's of fun.
Jake, Aaron, Morgan, Sammy, Spencer, Garrett & Katie. Brady was back in the room after a big crash and concussion. Helmets are Good.
Tanner, Morgan & Mitt
Me and Mitt with our sad faces..
This is our funny faces..

Just a house of boys now!

Mitt in one of his warrior outfits. He wants to be a fighter when he grows up. He has a great imagination.
This was the only picture I had of Marc's Broken arm. Morgan and I took turns cutting his cast off with the metal snips. He was so patient because he wanted it off so bad. It was allot harder than we thought. Long story about this broken arm. Only cost about $3,500.00 ouch!!Mitt is always cool...
Mitt and Morgan are pals.
At the fair Mitt making gang signs on this large pumpkin.
Mitt is always dressing up. He loves to create these warrior outfits.

Billing Montana Temple

I spent a few days in Billing Montana recently. Were stuccoing a very large barn. I had some time to kill and was hiking around the Temple.

Holloween 2011

Madi, Zane and Shanlee came trick or treating with us. Mitt was going to be Buzz Lightyear but at the last minute dug this Firefighter Costume out of the dress-up box.Marc did a little driving around with his Big Bear in his PJ's
Litttle Shan was snug as a bug in her Chicken Suite

Mitt was the designer of this years pumpkin. I think it is our best ever...

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Johnson Reunion 2011

The family horse ride. No dad, hip trouble can't ride.
The races are very competitive. AS you can see in Judd's and Cropper's faces.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Shanlee Carson - Grandparents are born

Madi doesn't know it but she made having a baby look like a walk in the park. Okay, a walk in the park with a really sore hip. But still a walk. Moma and baby are beautiful as can be.I've never seen a white baby with so much dark hair. Madi and all of our children had snow white hair. Invisable to the untrained eye. Wow, we really got some of those Carson genes on this one. I'm sure she will be a great mix of short and blond and tall and dark. It will be fun to see which other traits make there way in.

And finally, 2 very young grandparents. As you can see.

McKell - She is GREAT! Senior Pic and Zambia

This is one of McKell's senior picture taken by Stephanie McBride. Not sure if it's one of McKell's Favorites but it is mine.McKell graduated from AF High on June 3rd, partied all night at Boondocks and left for Zambia. Here are a few of her pictures that will become great memories. I think she will never forget.
Not going to give much description, you will need to ask McKell. But she was able to lift the spirits of many with her smiling face and kindness. I'm sure they don't know it but the lifted McKell as well.

I had to include this picture. I just loved it when I saw it.

A stopover in London gave these 3 a chance to sight see. They had an entire days layover on the way to Lusaca. From the looks of it they made the most of it.
The last 2 days were spent in the Bush on Safari. Never imagined they would see so much wildlife so close up and not get eaten, trampled, bitten or whatever monkey might do to you.
It's all fun and games until the jaguar get's hungry.

Happy Birthday Mitt & Morgan

Morgan says I have never made him a birthday cake. Well not true, here is the proof. Okay, this was Mitt's. But, Morgan liked it just as much. It is a LGM for those of you who don't watch Toy Story. (Little Green Men)Couldn't help add a couple of Misc Pics. Yes Marc is an FFA Officer.
Mitt Stuck in a Bucket.. Had to get him out but had a good laugh.
First Fishing experience. Like Morgan and I he caught as much as we ever did... Nothing

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Spring Break in St George 2011

Georgia, McKell, Marc, Mitt & Kirt all headed to St George for a few days. The weather was great and we went on a pretty fun hike at Snow Canyon. I think the trail was called 3 ponds. It was only about 3.5 miles on a sandy trail, you could walk the whole way barefoot even if you have baby feet, but took us 4 hours.
We found dinosaur tracks in the sand. Mitt knew these were Sharp Tooth Tracks.
Marc and Mitt really like hiking around and playing in the sand. We were a little concerned about Marc and the heat. Marc is a great hiker and insists on being the lead dog everywhere we go. You have to follow him and much of the time he is going so fast that Georgia had to stay with him. He really just loves it. Problem is he get's overheated and has seizures. Luckily he would slow down and lose his balance prior to a seizure so we could keep him safe. 2nd problem is his legs don't work after a seizure. So, a good 30 minute sleep-off and he get's his legs back. We talk about being mentally strong with our kids when they are playing sports, but Marc is so mentally strong that he can push himself when his body is giving him so much trouble. It is sad to see him struggle, but inspiring to see him push through.

We stopped at Menchie's and discovered this interesting mix in. It is great with other fruits. Not sure exactly what it is or even if it is natural or man made. But it is pretty yummy. Looks like Salmon Eggs, but tastes like a treat.
Marc and Mitt at the St. George Temple while McKell is seeing Dr. Duke across the street at the Southwest Skin and Cancer Center

Mitt is our best little photographer. He loves to take pictures and does a pretty good job of it. Mostly, he likes to take pictures of objects. I had to talk him into taking our picture, he was more interested in taking pictures of the rocks.
Mitt got a little tired, not so mentally tough as Marc. Just glad I didn't have to carry Marc out.